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Principal's Message

Welcome to Tomoka Elementary School! Tomoka has been proudly serving students since 1968 and is nestled in a neighborhood setting. The Tomoka family has a rich history of academic excellence for grades Pre-K through 5th. Our parent, PTA and community involvement has been essential for our overall success. We have worked hard to maintain our high student achievement, and have earned the Five Star school recognition and the Golden School Award for our continuous community involvement and numerous volunteer hours. Other accolades for our school include, PTA State Awards for 100% Faculty Membership, Community Membership and Grandparent Silver Membership. 

Our focus is to ensure all students perform at their highest level. We have an outstanding teaching faculty and a wonderful support staff to accomplish this goal. Our administration is dedicated to supporting these excellent teachers and staff members as well as all our students and their families.

I am honored to be the principal of Tomoka Elementary. I insist and promote polite student behavior and dedication from myself and all faculty and staff to ensure a safe and exciting learning environment for our students, an environment where "Together, We Can Be H.E.R.O.s" (Help, Encourage, Respect Others)

I look forward to working with our students, families and community members to develop lifelong learners.