Tomoka Parent Handbook
The student school day is 7:50–2:30. School office hours are 7:15–3:30 Monday–Friday. There is campus supervision 7:30–2:40. (Exception: Breakfast opens at 7:20 to accommodate bus students and students eating breakfast at school.)
Please call the office to report a student absence (258-4676, option 2) or send in a written note. When requesting an assignment due to absence, please allow the teacher 24 hours’ notice. Assignments may be sent electronically or picked up in the office after 2:30 PM.
Students, parents, and visitors are not permitted to bring animals on the school campus except for service dogs.
Classroom doors open at 7:45, and the tardy bell rings at 7:50. Waiting areas open at 7:30 with assigned supervisors. Breakfast opens at 7:20. Students arriving to class after the 7:50 bell are considered late. A student who is consistently late will be reported to the principal and potentially the social worker.
All bicycle riders must wear a helmet. Students must utilize a bike lock to secure their bicycle. The bike rack itself is not a secured area. Motorized vehicles of any kind (electric or gas-powered scooters, etc.) are not permitted.
The School Way Café serves both breakfast and lunch, or students may choose to bring a lunch from home. All students are assigned a school meal account and a “lunch number.” For the 2022-2023 school year, all students will be provided with free breakfast and free lunch regardless of free and/or reduced lunch status. A la carte items are available for sale. Parents may place funds into their student’s account using a credit or debit card through Payment is also accepted when sent in an envelope with the child’s name, teacher name, and lunch number clearly written on the front of an envelope. Checks are payable to Tomoka Elementary Cafeteria. The School Way Café may be reached at 258-4676, option 4. Contact Tomoka’s cafeteria manager for additional information regarding the breakfast and lunch programs. Breakfast is served 7:20-7:50 every day. School meal prices are as follows: Breakfast Student Price Free Reduced Student Price Free Adult Price $1.50 Lunch Student Price Free Reduced Student Price Free Adult Price $3.25
Maintaining a safe and orderly cafeteria is a priority at Tomoka. Student behavior in the cafeteria is based on 2 common sense safety practices, common courtesy, and overall cleanliness. Students must leave the table and floor area clean, speak to each other using “indoor voices,” refrain from sharing or exchanging food, walk in the cafeteria at all times, and demonstrate respect toward their classmates and all school staff. Parents and visitors do not eat breakfast or lunch on campus or in the cafeteria. CLINIC The clinic is for the treatment of minor student injuries, medication administration, and serving as a temporary resting place for ill students. You may contact clinic personnel at 258-4676, option 3.
All students must follow the rules in Volusia County Schools’ Code of Student Conduct and Discipline. Parent and child are to review the Code of Conduct together. The acknowledgment form is to be signed by both and returned to the school. The Code of Conduct is periodically reviewed with students by the classroom teachers and Tomoka’s administrative staff.
Many methods are used for communication. The Thursday Folder is used weekly to send home student work and important school information, signed by parent, and returned on Friday. The Parent Portal is a valuable resource providing parents with online access to their student’s educational information. FOCUS student information software is located in the Parent Portal on our VCS website. The Volusia Connect phone system allows administration to communicate with Tomoka families by sending out a school-wide phone message or text message. For the text message we will need your permission, so please confirm the cell number on your child’s Emergency Information form and send a message of “Y” or “YES” to our school’s short code number, 67587. The school website and social media are utilized to highlight events. These electronic resources include:; https://www.facebookcom/TomokaBraves; Twitter @TESBraves). Tomoka’s monthly school newsletter, Smoke Signals, can be found on the school website. Our PTA posts information on Facebook (Tomoka Elementary PTA) and at The school office can be called at 386-258-4676. Individual teachers may be reached via phone message, email, and possibly other online programs as determined by the teacher.
Students eligible to ride the school bus must conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner, following all rules in the Code of Student Conduct not only after boarding the bus, but also when waiting at the bus stop. Riding the school bus is a privilege. Improper conduct may result in the revocation of this privilege for up to 10 school days. Students must board and depart the school bus only at their assigned bus stop. In case of emergency, a temporary bus pass for a change in stop may be issued for up to three days. The emergency request must be made in writing by the parent or guardian 48 hours prior to the requested dates to receive approval. Departing the bus at a stop other than the assigned bus stop is strictly prohibited. Play dates, homework completion or group project assignments are not emergencies requiring a change in stop. These requests will be denied. School administration retains the right to deny a request for a temporary bus pass.
Policy 217 Students must wear shoes that are safe and appropriate to the learning environment. Elementary footwear must be closed toe and closed heel. Students must wear athletic shoes in all PE classes. In fact, athletic 3 shoes are encouraged every day for recess. Crocs, cleats, slippers, and shoes with wheels are not permitted to be worn on campus. Garments must be of a length and fit that are suitable to the build and stature of the student. Upper garments must be long enough to clearly overlap the beltline or stay tucked in during the course of normal movement during the day. The waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts must be worn and secured between the hips and the waist. Undergarments and the buttocks must remain entirely covered even while seated or bending over. Jumpers, skirts and shorts must be at least mid-thigh or below in length. No hats, caps, visors, hoods, bandanas, sunglasses or other head gear may be worn inside an enclosed school building or classroom except with administrative permission. Coats, jackets, sweaters and other appropriate outer garments are worn, when necessary, due to weather conditions. When outer garments with hood are worn, the hoods must be removed from the head while in school buildings. The outer garments must be of the appropriate size and shall not be overly baggy or violate any provisions of the dress code. Wearing a jacket or sweater does not excuse non-compliance with the dress code. On Friday, students are encouraged to wear Tomoka school t-shirt to show school spirit. The principal or principal’s designee is the final authority when determining if student clothes, shoes and hair color comply with school and district dress code.
If you live west of Tomoka Elementary, use the west entrance. If you live east of Tomoka Elementary, use the east entrance. Students enter and exit cars at curbside only. All drivers must pull forward as far as possible. Parents are to remain in their vehicles. The campus speed limit is 5 mph. Please put your cell phone down when driving on the school campus. Stay alert.
Morning Procedures: Students are not permitted to arrive before 7:30 AM, when supervision begins, unless riding a school bus or eating school breakfast (7:20 AM). Classroom doors open at 7:45 AM. School begins at 7:50 AM. Students must immediately report to their designated waiting areas when arriving between 7:30 and 7:45 AM. Unless a student rides a bus, parents are encouraged to use the traffic loops for drop off, remaining in the vehicle. Drivers who need to unbuckle a car seat or await school personnel will pull forward to the front cone. Parents who walk to campus must stop outside the designated entrance gates, allowing only students and staff to enter campus during drop off time. When the bell rings, students will enter the building. Late students arriving at 7:50 AM or later must have an adult walk them to the office for a pass. Parents may not enter buildings or classrooms. Parents of pre-kindergarten students and certain students with disabilities are assigned special badges so they can park and escort students to the PK gate to meet school personnel. Administrative authorization is required.
Afternoon Procedures: Teachers walk their classes out to the bus and traffic loops each afternoon. Sidewalks must remain clear for the students and teachers to safely walk to their dismissal/waiting areas. Students are escorted to their school buses, day care van, or dismissal loop accordingly. At each dismissal loop, students wait in a specified location according to their assigned family number. Walkers and bike riders exit the pedestrian gates once their sibling(s) arrive. Parents remain outside the east or west pedestrian gate. Drivers are to use the traffic loops and display the Tomoka Car Tag that identifies the assigned family number. Remain in the vehicle. Never leave cars unattended in the driveway. Supervisors will send students to specific cone to wait for their call to pull forward. Students then enter their vehicle. Drivers without the car tag displayed shall pull forward to the front cone to present identification and wait for office verification before receiving a student. If sending another adult to pick up your child in the traffic 4 loop, text a photo of the car tag to that adult, providing the driver with your family’s pick-up number. Students must be picked up by 2:40 PM each day. If you will need to occasionally change the normal dismissal procedure for your student, please inform the teacher in writing by 1:30 (12:30 on Early Release Days). Any communication received after 1:30/12:30 will not be guaranteed.
Inclement Weather: When it is raining lightly, the east loop students will wait behind the art gate. During inclement weather, such as heavy rain and/or lightning, car riders are held inside until buses depart. Then supervisors call for each family in the loops according to the car tag displayed on the vehicle mirror. East loop drivers will pull into the bus loop after all school buses have departed so all students are dismissed from under the awning/covered sidewalks. Be patient as this delays the start of dismissal processes.
The early dismissal or check-out of a student requires the parent come to the office with proper identification to sign out the student. Parents may not go directly to the classroom to check out their child. The office staff will send for the requested student. Teachers will not release any child without following this procedure. Students returning to school the same day must report back to the office to check-in before returning to the classroom. Only parents and individuals listed as emergency contacts on the student Emergency Information Card may sign out a student unless other arrangements are made ahead of time in writing by the parent. If applicable, please provide the school with official court documents which specify child custody arrangements.
All students must have an Emergency Information Card on file. It is extremely important that the school have accurate home, work, and emergency phone numbers as well as a correct address. We recommend that you list several emergency contacts and phone numbers. If your address or phone number changes during the year, please notify the office immediately. You will also need to provide new proof of residency when your address changes. Variance forms may be completed if your new address is outside of our school zone.
Field trips are part of the instructional program and enhance the educational curriculum. All field trips must have prior permission from administration, and all students must have written permission from a parent or guardian on an official permission form. Siblings or other children may not attend field trips.
Report cards are issued four times a year at the conclusion of each nine-week grading period. Interim reports are distributed at the mid-point of each grading period. LOST AND FOUND Clearly label ALL items that your child brings to school (jacket, sweater, lunchbox, backpack) with the child’s first and last name. All articles of clothing not claimed are donated to charity at the end of each month.
The media center offers a wide variety of materials and provides valuable instructional services, making it a 5 great resource for learning. The media center is available for student use Monday-Friday 7:45-2:30. Students in grades K-3 may check out one book at a time. Students in grades 4-5 may check out two books and one magazine at a time.
School personnel cannot administer any medication (prescription or non-prescription) without an Authorization to Administer Prescription/Non-Prescription Medication form completed by the parent and approved by the physician. Under no circumstances will a student receive medication without a completed signed form. Medication must be brought to the school by an adult/legal guardian and be documented as received by clinic personnel. Medication must be stored in its original container with the pharmacy label intact. Students may not have in their possession any prescription or non-prescription medication. This includes but is not limited to over-the-counter medications such as cough drops, Tylenol, Claritin, etc.
Parent-teacher conferences are encouraged and highly recommended. An appointment should be made with the teacher to ensure a private conference time.
Families are encouraged to become active members of Tomoka’s Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based advisory organization comprised of Tomoka parents, community members, local business partners and school staff with its primary function being to assist in the development, implementation and evaluation of Tomoka’s School Improvement Plan.
All checks made out to Tomoka Elementary must have the student’s name and purpose for the payment on the memo line and the phone number of the person writing the check. If paying in cash, remember to have the exact amount. School personnel cannot provide change. Parents may pay online with a credit card using Online School Payments located on the Volusia County School’s website at A 4% handling fee is charged.
Athletic shoes (“sneakers”) must be worn on physical education days. If your child is not wearing athletic shoes on scheduled physical education days, he/she will be required to sit out and will receive a zero for that that day’s grade. Strict adherence to the rules and regulations of the physical education program is necessary to ensure the safety and welfare of all students. A written request from the parent or guardian is necessary for a student to be excused from physical activity for up to one week. A written excuse from a medical doctor is required for a student to be excused from physical education class for longer than one week.
To ensure the safety of all students, staff and visitors, rolling backpacks are not permitted on campus.
Tomoka Elementary is required to follow all safety and security procedures as set forth by the School Board of Volusia County. Important information specific to Tomoka Elementary is taught at the beginning of the school year. Students and staff review and practice safety drills throughout the school year. Administration or district staff notify parents when an actual emergency arises.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly, polite manner at all times whether they are at school, waiting at the bus stop, or riding on the school bus.
1. Respect all school property as well as the personal property of all students and staff.
2. Walk quietly on campus sidewalks. Please stay off grassy areas.
3. Treat others respectfully. Hitting, put downs and abusive language are never acceptable. Bullying behavior will not be tolerated. Students who engage in bullying behaviors will receive disciplinary consequences. Always keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
4. Toys, playing cards, trading cards (Yugi-oh, Pokémon, Star Wars, etc.), hand-held electronic games (Nintendo DS, Game-Boys, etc.) and other recreational games and electronic devices must remain at home unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher. Tomoka is not responsible for these types of objects being lost or stolen.
6. Students are expected to adhere to the district-wide dress code.
7. Gum is not allowed on campus.
8. Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not allowed on campus. They must be secured (locked) in the bike rack.
9. Cell phones must not be seen or heard from 7:30-2:45, including when waiting for a daycare bus or parent pick-up.
Our school participates in an important district initiative called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) which is a process for creating safer and more effective schools. We have adopted a unified set of school-wide expectations and common language with three guiding principles: Be safe; Be Responsible; and Be Respectful. Teachers and staff members teach students school-wide expectations and have students practice and follow procedures in a positive manner to increase student learning and decrease classroom disruptions. When students follow the established school-wide expectations, they become a H.E.R.O – Help Encourage Respect Others. At Tomoka Elementary School, together we can be H.E.R.O.s.
Sometimes parents offer to provide snacks for the classroom. Please prearrange with your child’s teacher. Only store-purchased, professionally prepared items may be provided for students. Birthday celebrations are not held at school. If you are hoping to provide cupcakes to the class, please prearrange with the teacher. The teacher may or may not approve your request. If approved, parents will then arrange to drop off the cupcakes at the office for the teacher to distribute at the time of his/her preference. Please do not include additional items (e.g., balloons, goody bags). Parents will not be permitted to stay and distribute cupcakes.
Textbooks must last for many years. Textbooks and other instructional materials are on loan to the student for a period of time determined by the classroom teacher. It is a student’s responsibility to keep all instructional materials in good condition and to keep desks and other school property clean and undamaged. Parents are expected to pay for lost or damaged instructional materials and school property.
Only in case of emergency may students use the office phone. Going home with a friend, arranging for a sleepover, forgotten schoolwork, money needed for the book fair, and rainy-day plans are examples of what are not considered emergencies. Teachers and/or office personnel will decide what constitutes an emergency. Use of Personal Cell Phone or Device: Students who have personal cell phones must have the cell phone out of sight and out of use in the off position while on school campus. Use of cell phones for educational or safety purposes will be determined by the adult in charge. Students must have prior permission from administration or the adult in charge before using their cell phone. These same procedures apply to all electronic devices (e.g., Apple Watches, iPads, etc.). To utilize electronic devices at school, students must have a signed copy of the “Electronic Information Services Acceptable Use Agreement for Students” on file for the current school year.
Tomoka welcomes visitors in the office with a specific purpose to be on the school campus. Visitors are not permitted to volunteer with students and will be restricted to participating in office and/or meeting activities. Upon arrival to the campus, visitors must report to the office and sign in. Upon signing in and clearance, the visitor's badge must be worn prominently at all times. When leaving campus, the visitor must return to the office and sign out. Visitors without a badge or legitimate reason to be on the campus will be asked to leave. Classroom visits during instructional hours are typically not permitted due to security requirements. If circumstances permit a classroom visitation, it must be prearranged with administration and then scheduled with the teacher following approval.
School volunteers must complete a volunteer application annually online by visiting our district website at: Once submitted, the online application will be re-directed to the VIPS Department for approval. An email will be generated to the applicant upon approval. The application will remain in a “hold” queue until the applicant has visited the school of choice to have their picture ID scanned. Volunteer activities will be coordinated via the classroom teacher with administrative approval and office clearance prior to the time of the volunteer activity.
All individuals entering the school premises may be subject to search, including but not limited to their person, briefcases, book bags, lunch bags or boxes, purses and packages. WITHDRAWAL OR TRANSFER 8 When withdrawing or transferring to another school, the parent must contact the Tomoka registrar in advance. Time is needed to complete necessary forms, compile information and collect textbooks and library books.