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Ormond Beach Middle School Informational Night
Ormond Beach Middle School Rising 6th Graders

Ormond Beach Middle School is excited to welcome our Tomoka Elementary 5th grade students who will attend OBMS for the 2025-2026 school year. They will be hosting a Parent/Student informational evening on Thursday, February 13th from 6-7:30 pm in the cafeteria. 

3rd through 5th grade password change graphic
3rd - 5th Grade Password Change February 12th

On the morning of Wednesday, February 12th, all 3rd through 5th grade students only will be required to change their passwords to meet the new VCS account standards. This password reset is a crucial step in enhancing the security of our student accounts. Students in kindergarten through 2nd grade will NOT be expected to make any changes to how they log in to VCS network.

Florida prepaid college graphic
Florida Prepaid Open Enrollment Is Here!

Prepaid Plans allow families to lock in the cost of college with fixed monthly payments. A risk-free 1-Year University Plan now starts at just $29/month for the Prepaid Plan Open Enrollment period from February 1 - April 30, 2025. The reduced prices result in savings of up to $850 per plan for a 1-Year University Plan – up to $3,400 in savings for four years.

Prepaid Plans are made to fit growing families:

  • Use in-state or nationwide at public, private, trade and technical schools
  • Complements scholarships and financial aid
  • Transfer to another student or cancel anytime
  • Earnings grow tax-free

Every child deserves higher education. Learn more at

All VCS Students Will Receive Free School Breakfast and Lunch for the 2022-23 School Year
All VCS Students Will Receive Free School Breakfast and Lunch

DELAND – Volusia County School District announced that all VCS students would receive free school breakfast and lunch for the 2022-23 school year. Families will not have to fill out the family income applications for free and reduced-price meals this year. 
More Information on School Way Cafe

Suspicious Activity Reporting App  See suspicious activity at your school?  Report it.  Visit to submit

See suspicious activity at your school?

Report it.
Visit to submit a tip or download the app

Important Notice
Florida Statute 943.082 states that if, following an investigation, it is determined that a person knowingly submitted a false tip through FortifyFL, the Internet protocol (IP) address of the device on which the tip was submitted will be provided to law enforcement agencies for further investigation, and the reporting party may be subject to criminal penalties under s. 837.05. In all other circumstances, unless the reporting party has chosen to disclose his or her identity, the report will remain anonymous.


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